John 14:6

"Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me." John 14:6

26 December 2014

Chromecast device review update

Seasons Greetings!

Merry Christmas, even though it is the day after. Having spent time in Upstate NY as a kid I enjoyed celebrating Christmas with snow on the ground. Sadly living in N. VA we don't usually get much if any snow at this time of year.  I miss snow and when we do get it I usually will go out and spend 4 - 5 hrs snow-blowing the sidewalks in our townhouse community.

Now to the point of this update.  I bought a Google ChromeCast device quite a while back.  I posted a review about it shortly after testing it out and I was sadly disappointed that there weren't that many apps available for it yet.  I was also disappointed that you could only display a few apps to the screen from whatever phone or tablet you were using.  At the time I had my Wife's Samsung Tab 2 10.1" tablet and my Motorola Droid X2 (mobile computing device that thinks it's a phone).

Anyway, I had to replace my 4.5 yr old X2 with a new Samsung Galaxy S5.  The phone dialer was taking 3 minutes to dial someone. The review for my new phone will be the subject for a separated blog post.

So I started tinkering the new S5 and some of it's more advanced features.  I decided to see what it could do with my ChromeCast device.   There is a Samsung patch for the ChromeCast app so I installed it on my S5.  Google updated ChromeCast to now allow full device mirroring to the ChromeCast device.  Awesome, FINALLY!

This works great from my S5.  My Wife's family recently purchased 3 Galaxy S5 mobile computing devices.  With the ChromeCast device I can now go over and demonstrate to them the different features available on the S5 while my screen is mirrored on the TV screen.   WooHoo!  Gotta love technology sometimes.

You can get all the latest news and updates related to ChromeCast at this URL

Happy New Year!  Stay safe in the cyber world too!